6 Reasons to Enter a Millinery Competition.

6 Reasons to Enter a Millinery Competition.

Published by Catherine Kelly on 22nd Feb 2023

  • 1.Competitions are a perfect way to challenge your creativity, complete your hat to a deadline, and see your hat in relation to your peers.
  • 2.It’s a great way to connect with like-minded creatives and milliners in the industry. There’s often an associated event for the presentation of the awards.
  • 3.The themes and material challenges present an excellent way to improve your skills and techniques.
  • 4.It’s a wonderful opportunity to promote your own style and business. You will usually get photos that you can use on your social media and website.
  • 5.The thrill of winning wonderful prizes, from generous sponsors, and the ribbons or sashes are a great acknowledgement of your talent and skill. It can help launch or re-launch your business.
  • 6.You get the opportunity to be published in international magazines like The Hat Magazine, Hatlines , and Hatalk e-mag as well as local media.
  • 2.MIMC Melbourne International Millinery Competition
  • 3.Millinery Australia – Design Award and Student Design Award
  • 4.Hatalk e-magazine
  • 5.Your local show- Royal Sydney Easter Show, The Ekka, Adelaide show, and Royal Melbourne all host millinery competitions.
  • 6.Victorian Racing Lillian Frank Millinery Award.

Pictured Below Winner MIMC 2023 Hat Created by Nicholette Pottier 

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