Inspired to Learn Millinery?
The minimum requirements to start your millinery journey.
Here are recommendations from our experience at Embellish® Atelier.
Dome Hat Block
Block Stand
Basic Hat Brim Block
Poupee or Balsa Wood Head ( a polystyrene head will suffice)
Steamer (or kettle will suffice to begin)
Water Spray
Steam Iron and/or steamer
Small Craft Iron
Long Nosed Pliers
Tape Measure
Embroidery, Sewing, and Paper scissors.
Small Ruler
Milliners or Straw needles
Blocking Pjns (push pins will suffice)
Butter knife, palette knife or corset bone
Thread Conditioner
Sewing Machine
Berry Pins
Marking Chalk
Millinery Material Storage
Display Heads or Stands.
Millinery Reference Materials...
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